A source told TechCrunch that the chatter internally on Slack suggests Kurtzman was right, with employees wishing Jones well, and like Benioff, sad to see her leaving for Bumble. Regardless, it is certainly unusual for an executive to announce she’s leaving just 10 months into her tenure, and Leary said it had to be a shock, considering the amount of time she had been on the job.
“I don’t know, but I think this has to be a surprise, given it’s been less than a year and there was a lot of fanfare made when they announced her taking over the helm from Butterfield,” Leary said.
A dating app may seem like a strange landing spot for an enterprise software executive, who spent the last four years in various roles inside the CRM giant, but Ray Wang, founder and principal analyst at Constellation Research, says the move to Bumble makes a lot of sense for Jones, and would be a better fit for her skillset. “Slack is no longer a growth play, but an integration play for Salesforce, and Lidiane’s talents are better at Bumble for turnaround and growth,” he told TechCrunch.
And as Benioff pointed out, she gets to run her own public company, rather than be CEO of a division inside Salesforce. As she prepares to leave, Jones will help her successor, whoever that turns out to be, transition to the new job, just as Stewart Butterfield helped her — but just 10 months later, she’s moving on.